17 Appendix

17.1 Assignments


Welcome Post

Because this course has a final team project that requires a significant amount of work, it is best to get started early. To assist with this, the first assignment is a welcome post. Within this course on Blackboard, you must post a welcome post. In this welcome post, include an image of yourself and answers to the following questions.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What is your desired career?
  4. What is your favorite hobby?
  5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  6. What is your favorite media properties to consume (e.g., The West Wing, One Punch Man, Call of Duty, Harry Potter)?
  7. What would you like to study this semester? (this can be specific or broad)

IRB Certification

Be sure to complete the CITI training.

APA Assignment

Please provide accurate APA Reference List citations for the references provided on Blackboard in a .docx file. Please submit as a .doc or .docx file. Be sure to follow APA 7th Edition rules.

Annotated Bibliography

Individuals are tasked with submitting a set of four (4) annotated bibliographies that are potentially relevant to their paper. Individuals are to submit unique annotated bibliographies. This means that if you and your team members collaborate on finding sources, you each must annotate different sources.. I recommned at least being from an academic paper or reputible scholarly book (preference toward paper).

I will attach a word document with formatting and content suggestions to this assignment.

Visualization Assignment

The visualization assignment will be posted as an .Rmd file on Blackboard. You are expected to create a new R Project for this assignment and then submit the zipped project on Blackboard. You may work on this as a group; however, I expect your visualizations to be moderately unique. Do not plagiarize!

Analysis Assignment

The analysis assignment will be posted as an .Rmd file on Blackboard. You are expected to create a new R Project for this assignment and then submit the zipped project on Blackboard. Each analysis question will require the code to run the analysis and your individual interpretation. You may work on this as a group; however, I expect your interpretation to be in your own words. Do not plagiarize!

Section Quizzes

I will divide your book into five (5) sections and create five (5) minor quizzes. These quizzes will be posted around midterm. You will then have until the last week of class (before final’s week) to submit all the quizzes.


Partner Contract

I will attach a word document on Blackboard as a template partner contract. All team members must sign before submission.

Common Tasks (suggestions)
Reference Manager
Run analyses (in R)
Create visualizations (in R)
Reference Summarizer
Lead Writer for Section (How to Write APA Style Research Papers)

  1. Introduction

  2. Literature Review

  3. Methodology

  4. Results

  5. Discussion

  6. Conclusion

Topic Selection

Submit your topic selection, including potential theories and rough research hypotheses or questions.

You can find theories in the theories chapter.

Example: We plan to survey students to identify a correlation between media usage and satisfaction. Borrowing from uses and gratification theory (though our theory choice may change as we spend more time reading), we expect individuals to select their media based upon the needs they are attempting to fulfill. Types of media include traditional (e.g., television, movies) and new (e.g., TikTok, YouTube). We are interested in if any usage impacts quality of life and if quantity of usage controls for some variation. If we receive a diverse enough participant pool, we are also interested in home type (i.e., single, family [as child], friends, partner, family [as parent]). Our interest in home type is a reflection of the pandemic’s limiting of outside interaction.

IRB Application

Each student must submit proof of IRB application submission. Each team must add me to their application so that I can access the material. You are graded on submitting a full application on time and how few revisions are required to pass. Please reach out to me before submission so I can advise you on your project and accuracy.

Research Questions/Hypotheses

You are to present at least two (2) concise research questions (RQ) or hypotheses (RH) that your team want to examine. These RQs/RHs must include at least one (1) independent variable and one (1) dependent variable. These variables must be measurable for your project. If you have questions, please reach out before this assignment is due.

Research Proposal

Your research proposal is intended to be your first three (3) sections of your research paper: literature review, research objective, and methods. The proposal does not have to be a perfect version of these sections; however, the closer these are to complete, the work your team will have later in the semester.

I will post more specifics on Blackboard during the semester.


Your outline is intended to give me a sneak peak of where you stand with your final three (3) sections of your research paper (i.e., results, discussion, and conclusion) before your final paper is due. The outline must be in numbers/bulleted format and not paragraph. The text in the outline can either be small phrases or full sentences. This is your final chance for feedback before you focus down on your final project.

Full Paper

At the completion of this course, all student will have to submit a full research paper with their teams. Specifics will be presented throughout the semester.


To accompany your final paper, your group is required to present your paper. Not all members have to present; however, this relies on your partner contract.

The presentation will be done during our scheduled time for our final (December 12, 10-11:40 am). 

  • 7-10 minutes

  • Powerpoint

  • Include key sections (Literature, RQ/RH, Methods, Results, Discussion)

  • Provide context

Beyond that, your presentation is up to you.

Submit your PowerPoint slides on Blackboard. You must also submit your partner contract with any important changes and commentary to reflect an imbalance in workload.